Some Interesting Cycling Blogs

tiredbikerDuring the WINTER BOREDOM phase of the cycling season I find myself doing a fair bit of cycling-related reading. Having watched all four of my 2012 racing re-runs many times over [what was I thinking when I deleted the Giro, Vuelta and the Brad Wiggins show?!!], my only solace is the printed word. Here’s a few blogs and websites of note:

I am Ted King is written by…Ted King. A fun mix of his experiences in the pro peloton, philosophical ramblings and his charity rides. Ted hails from New England – so I have a soft spot for him.

Twisted Spoke is engaging commentary on cycling culture that manages not to sound elitist like some other blogs, i.e. you don’t need a cycling lexicon.

Velominati has a very entertaining satirical lexicon of cycling jargon and related terms. One post that epitomizes their playful mindset is THE GREAT DEBATE: Pump or Chuck…a discussion on the relative merits of carrying a pump or CO2 inflator.

Bike Radar has one of the most expansive collections of reviews that I’ve run across. The best part is they are pretty unbiased and actually give you their opinions.

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